Wenche Fjeld

Marketing Coordinator at Electrolux Professional Australia - Scoresby, N/A, AU

Wenche Fjeld's Contact Details
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Electrolux Professional Australia
Wenche Fjeld's Company Details

Electrolux Professional Australia

Scoresby, N/A, AU • >10000 Employees
Construction Machinery

Electrolux Professional is the OnE trusted partner making your work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day.Whatever your business is, we will turn it into the most sustainable experiences – in Food, Beverage and Laundry over a lifetime. With sustainability at heart, we aim at making your work-life more effortless, empowering and enriching.Leading the way in designing full and integrated solutions that are easy to use, maintain and service, productive and reliable. Via OnE unique interface, we are creating the ultimate business value for you.Electrolux Professional is aimed at increasing customers' business value through a unique interface for their entire operations by using connected and synchronized products and services.Electrolux Professional is the OnE trusted partner for single and full solutions because the way we shape processes and solutions come from a human centric legacy and our longstanding expertise in what makes your business more efficient.

Details about Electrolux Professional Australia
Frequently Asked Questions about Wenche Fjeld
Wenche Fjeld currently works for Electrolux Professional Australia.
Wenche Fjeld's role at Electrolux Professional Australia is Marketing Coordinator.
Wenche Fjeld's email address is ***@electroluxprofessional.com. To view Wenche Fjeld's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Wenche Fjeld works in the Construction Machinery industry.
Wenche Fjeld's colleagues at Electrolux Professional Australia are Jinsoo Kang, Ståle Jacobsen, Strand Rasmussen, Lasse Oug, Becky Hu, Elaine Fan, Tolgahan Crak and others.
Wenche Fjeld's phone number is N/A
See more information about Wenche Fjeld