The Collective LEAP is a boutique entrepreneurial consulting company. As trusted advisor to leading business executives we work with and within organizations to address growth with cross discipline insights and experience. We are unique in that we aggregate our vantage points at the outset unlike those organized and driven by specialty. With deep functional and industry expertise as well as breadth of geographical reach, The Collective LEAP is dedicated to taking on great challenges that matter to our clients and to their customers. We see our clients as our partners. Working to equip our clients to move forward without us once we have achieved our goals is critical to our engagement. When our work is complete, we leave organizations positioned to continue moving forward, well exercised in navigating through the uncertainty that we know can continue to present as opportunity.As is the case with many executives, we have lived in the untenable space of being handed a plan for the theoretical and incredible without due regard for what is actually possible. Walking a tight line in working with our clients to create significant results, we also understand and appreciate the respective financial and operational strengths and challenges. We are on board with you until the end, respecting that our partnership is one of trust and results, not a contractual obligation.