From Poets Union (MPU) is a self-funded not for profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of poets and poetry in Victoria. We host monthly events in different venues around Melbourne and regional Victoria, run an annual international poetry competition, publish chapbooks, maintain an increasing web presence and are always looking for new opportunities for our members.MPU is staffed by a volunteer committee and overseen by our Trust Fund Board. Our membership is approximately 250, most based in and around Melbourne but we have a number of members in regional Victoria, and others scattered throughout the states and territories.Our bi-monthly publication POAM is free to all MPU members, and contains details of forthcoming events, competitions, writing tips and numerous other miscellany of interest to poets. POAM's editor is Loran Steinberg who can be contacted at: melbournepoetsunion@gmail.comSome background on the MPU's origins was compiled recently by several of our enthusiastic members. We are also publishing the occasional review or book launch speech.