Our goal is to give you access to numerous venues for all types of occasions with just a click to create a memorable and relaxing experience. Best For Your Venue === When you share your venue on Banquet Pick you open to a very profitable business with banquets, event market, rooms, restaurant & lounge parties, meet-ups, family gatherings, wedding , corporate world and all sorts of other event opportunities which will help you improve your business by having additional revenue coming in. Get a Total Control === You get total control over how your space is promoted, and what offerings you would like to include. You can promote exactly what makes sense for your space. You can even include your hot offer or your promotional discounts to seal the deal. Whatever offerings make sense for your business and bookings are always at your availability and discretion. Create a WOW Factor === A perfect chance to create a WOW factor with the customers by showcasing your business online on Banquet Pick which increases your chances of potentially increasing the business in all the areas of service. It is the perfect way to bring awareness and potential new customers into your place of business. Showcasing the services, amenities, high resolution pictures and a 360 degrees virtual tour, provided by your business would definitely create a WOW factor. Cost Effective === Promoting your business with all the services on Banquet Pick would not cost you anything (for the first fixed period term) unless we provide you a lead which turns into a confirmed business. Upon confirmation of business an agreed amount will be payable to Function Junction. In a simple way there is nothing to loose.