Eagles Nest Church specializes in developing and equipping leaders for the work of the ministry and the marketplace. Our motto is "Preparing You To Soar!" We believe that you were born to be an Eagle! You were created to soar! You were ordained to do great things for God! As a church, we want to help you become all that God created you to be. The Kingdom AgendaEagles Nest Church functions on a Kingdom Agenda, which is defined as the visible demonstration of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life. This rule is reflected through the four divinely ordained spheres of the individual, the family, the church and society. At Eagles Nest Church, we will teach our members the principles of the Kingdom of God so they learn to function under the authority of the Kingdom in every dimension of life. Through the proper blending of God's Word with good works, the goal of our church is to visibly model God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Simply put, we are called to help people Soar To Their God-Given Destiny!Vision StatementTo have transformed lives that reflect the values of the Kingdom of God.The MissionTo disciple the members of Eagles Nest Church so that they are equipped to impact individuals, families, churches and communities from a Kingdom perspective.Mission StatementChanging Lives, So We Can Change The World!