Whitney Rethlake

Therapist at Hopebridge - Indianapolis city, IN, US

Whitney Rethlake's Contact Details
Columbia City, Indiana, United States
Whitney Rethlake's Company Details


Indianapolis city, IN, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Hopebridge offers a wide range of outpatient services designed to meet the needs of children requiring behavioral diagnosis and applied behavioral analysis (ABA), occupational, feeding, and speech treatments in center, home and school settings. We have autism therapy centers in Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Pediatricians and parents across the US trust Hopebridge for its expertise in treating neurological, genetic, sensory processing, and feeding disorders; language delays; and behavioral concerns. Children with special needs require extraordinary, individualized care and Hopebridge's staff helps families understand their children's difficulties while working to help them realize their potential.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Feeding & Swallowing Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Physical Therapy Feeding & Swallowing Autism Autism Spectrum Disorder Pediatric Health Care ABA Therapy B2B B2C Hospital/Clinic Specialty Hospitals Except Psychiatric Hospital & Health Care Health Care Services Hospitals Health Care
Details about Hopebridge
Frequently Asked Questions about Whitney Rethlake
Whitney Rethlake currently works for Hopebridge.
Whitney Rethlake's role at Hopebridge is Therapist.
Whitney Rethlake's email address is ***@hopebridge.com. To view Whitney Rethlake's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Whitney Rethlake works in the Hospital/Clinic industry.
Whitney Rethlake's colleagues at Hopebridge are Anton Johnson, Jamie Kinsler, Kayla Purichia, Hayden Linville, Danielle Parker-Williams, Walter Hankins, Teresa Abbenhaus and others.
Whitney Rethlake's phone number is N/A
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