MissionThrough cannabinoid research, education, product advancement and development, provide quality nutraceutical alternatives to improve quality of life for athletes and consumers.What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It is one of the major identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant's extract. CBD doesn't have the same psychoactivity as THC and may change the effects of THC on the body, if both are present. CBD infused products should not be confused with Hemp Seed products as both are very different products and provide their own unique benefits. https://hempforpros.com/what-is-cbd/Medical ProfessionalsWorking side by side with physicians, pharmacists and medical professionals, we develop specialized formulas to include a variety of supplements known to benefit the aid in sleep, inflammation, anxiety, immune and pain to provide a better quality of life. https://hempforpros.com/meet-the-doctors/Our Vertical Integration StrategyWe quickly learned that if we wanted to provide unmatched quality products at a reduced cost, we would need to streamline our operations by taking control all aspects of the production process. We start by breeding our own hemp seeds to produce rich-in-cannabinoid plant profiles for each product we produce. We organically grow those plant strains into high yielding plants without the use of pesticides or non-organic fertilizers. We then extract those plants in our GMP certified extraction facility producing the highest quality cannabinoid raw materials and ingredients. The final step is producing products that contain our own cannabinoid materials to maximize the benefits and reduce costs, which we pass on to consumers. This is our GMP certified Seed to Shelf Philosophy! https://hempforpros.com/our-process/CBD Buyer's Guidehttps://hempforpros.com/cbd-buyers-guide/