We always strive to stay on top of the game in our field of work. We have valuable experience and expertise in the rope access services. We also have a sound understanding of the Health and Safety responsibility that the rope access field require in the vast categories of projects that we take on.Below is the types of main rope access services we offer, followed by the three main project categories with a defined list of services we provide for each project.Our main rope access services are:- Cleaning & Painting- In-tank Cleaning- Bridge & Camera- Equipment Installation- De-vegetation & RoadPOWER STATIONS / CONSTRUCTION SERVICES- Rescue Services- Painting / Stencilling- Cleaning & Removal of waste / ash- Confined Space- Clinker Removal- Bolting- Safety Nets Management- Life Line Management- Intank Welding- Rigging- Bunker Lashing- Coal Build-up Removal- NDT Services- Welding Services- Lifting Tackle Inspection- Lifting Machinery Inspection- Silo Deformation Surveys- Drone Inspections- PaintingOIL RIGS AND WIND FARMS SERVICES- Overboard Inspection- Blade Inspection- Structural Inspection- Sand / Grid Blasting- Safety Nets Maintenance- NDT Services - Welding Services- Steel Refurbishment- Structural Inspection - Surface Preparation - Mechanical Preparation- Ultra High Pressure Water Blast- Hp Blasting- PaintingANCILLARY- Fall Protection Planning- Risk Assessment- HSE Auditing- Anchor Points Placement and Inspection- Revegetation- Road Clearing- Bridge Inspections - Bridge Align Services- Fogging and Sterilisation