Justicia Investigations provides a range of professional investigative services including: Forensic investigations | Facts and truth discovery and verification (credential verification, background searches, expert interview skills, statement-taking and polygraphs) | Security risk assessments | Crime prevention units |Technical surveillance counter measures |Intelligence gathering including electronic surveillance and undercover agents |Vehicle tracking | CCTV and surveillance control room management and more. After 25 years in business, during which we have become one of South Africa's largest investigative agencies, we know the reasons for our sustained success: a seasoned investigative team, using tried and tested methods together with appropriate new technology, with a commitment to acquiring legally-defensible evidence in the most cost-effective manner available. We don't just find evidence for you, we specialise in finding it using legally-defensible and ethical methods only. In disciplinary enquiries and unfair dismissal hearings, our understanding of procedural requirements enables us to lead the company's case and present its evidence successfully. Our deep understanding of the requirements of the criminal justice system helps you maximise your chance of a successful prosecution from the moment you step inside a police station to lay a charge. From the wording of the charges to the evidence packs we prepare for overworked prosecutors and our expertise as witnesses for the prosecution – you're simply much more likely to find justice with us.Finally, all of these services are available to you from one dedicated provider with a track record of over 27 years success and with a B-BBEE Level 2 rating. Our companies are 51% black-owned with 30% ownership by black women. This means that you benefit from the 125% recognition for B-BBEE procurement recognition purposes from your choice of us as your suppliers. We also contribute to your QSE procurement target.