Willemien Bold

head of debtors at Van Der Vyver Transport - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Willemien Bold's Contact Details
Cape Town,Western Cape,8001,South Africa
Van Der Vyver Transport
Willemien Bold's Company Details
Van Der Vyver Transport logo, Van Der Vyver Transport contact details

Van Der Vyver Transport

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa • 201 - 500 Employees

Van Der Vyver Transport is a long distance transport company serving all major and most minor cities as well as all fresh produce farming areas, specialising in refrigerated cargo, fresh fruit, dairy and general cargo. The company was founded in 1984 when brothers Emile and Corrie van der Vyver bought their first truck.As a result of strong relationships with first-class customers, integral support from our suppliers and employee dedication and commitment, Van Der Vyver Transport has grown into an industry leader who delivers a reliable, personal & needs driven transport service to our clients. The current fleet consists of more than 100 mechanical horses pulling refrigerated-, taut liner- and skeletal trailers.We are proud to say we are the preferred service provider of transport solutions to our chosen industry by delivering a value for money service, with every load on time at the right place, in the right condition.

Details about Van Der Vyver Transport
Frequently Asked Questions about Willemien Bold
Willemien Bold currently works for Van Der Vyver Transport.
Willemien Bold's role at Van Der Vyver Transport is head of debtors.
Willemien Bold's email address is ***@vdvtransport.co.za. To view Willemien Bold's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Willemien Bold works in the Transportation/trucking/railroad industry.
Willemien Bold's colleagues at Van Der Vyver Transport are Edwin Smith, Cornel Vyver, Gerrit Nieuwoudt, Liezel , Judict Fortuin, Zander Kock, Anneen Steyn and others.
Willemien Bold's phone number is
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