Greenville Pathology PA offers high quality, state-of-the-art Histopathology services for processing and interpretation of your pathology tissue specimens. We strive to provide as rapid a turn-around-time as possible while not compromising the quality of our diagnostic procedures. Please see the on line Directory of Services to find out how to send specimens to our facility properly.All of our clients utilize the ThinPrep technology for their Pap smears. This liquid-based Pap test allows us to offer a full array of FDA approved ancillary molecular pathology testing options out of the same vial as the Pap smear. In an effort to provide the best and most recent technologies to our clients, we added the ThinPrep Imaging System to our Cytology Department. The ThinPrep Imaging System is the only FDA approved computer-assisted primary screening system shown to improve diagnostic accuracy. The system combines imaging technology to identify relevant fields of interest with an automated microscope to facilitate the review of the fields chosen. The cytotechnologist then reviews each slide at the ThinPrep Imaging System Review Scope.All specimens are reviewed by a secondary supervisory eligible technologist before reporting the absence of endocervical component. Also, all specimens have a second slide made (although it is not charged) before a diagnosis of unsatisfactory is rendered.We also provide processing and interpretation of a wide variety of non-gynecological specimens such as urine, sputum, body cavity fluid, and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNA). Our technologists are available for assistance for FNAs, and our pathologists are available for rapid interpretation of the FNAs while the patient waits.