ESBY Design Build is a RaymondAugustus.LLC Company and provides project management strategy's to firms large and small to bring failing or High risk project to an amicable close. We all are aware the 85% of project are behind schedule and some never get to completion. In most cases a fresh set of eyes on a complex project can bring new vision and light to it. By being aggressive and pushing we are able to wrangle staff members and complete task. Communication is the key component to this puzzle, by setting expectations your projects are more likely to close on time and within budget from the start. We also take on High risk Projects as well, these are the project that have Scope creep from day one and are normally not given enough time to close to start but must be completed no matter how long it takes. We also provide PM's on short term and long term contracts, If they are needed for 2 weeks or 2 years we provide he best in project managers.