At HPHI (High Performance Health Institute), we believe health and wellness has no one particular definition. To one, it may mean living an extra 10 years. To another, losing an extra 10 pounds. For too long, we've seen too many people suffer. Whether it be from chronic pain, or psychologically due to body image. Conventional health wisdom tells you to count calories. It blames your health misfortune on will power or your luck playing the genetic lottery. Who hasn't been told that exercising more will magically burn away the extra two inches from your thighs? That if you somehow dig a little deeper, you can stay away from King Cake, Canebrake, and (God forbid) Billy's Stuffed Boudin Balls.At HPHI, we think a little differently. We are about training less time and achieving more results; eating more food and gaining less weight; controlling some hormones and manipulating others. Food pyramids, Calorie Counting, and strict monthly training protocols aren't our thing. All diets work, don't they? At least to some degree and for some amount of time, but then something happens. It doesn't fit your taste preferences, your work schedule, your family dynamic, or you as a individual specimen.We believe there is an interdependence between an learning, accomplishment-oriented mind, a healthy body and a virtuous spirit. Without all 3 there will be something missing that will affect the performance of the human being.