William Radford

IT Manager at FracKnowledge - N/A, N/A, CA

William Radford's Colleagues at FracKnowledge
Gregory Zaslavsky

Fracturing Data Manager/Account Maanger

Contact Gregory Zaslavsky

William Radford's Contact Details
William Radford's Company Details
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N/A, N/A, CA • 20 - 49 Employees

FracKnowledge is comprised of a group of experienced oil and gas professionals with over 160 man years of experience providing a broad range of services. Focused primarily on fracturing, we pride ourselves on our industry leading fracturing database and fracturing consulting services for bringing the right Fracin' solutions to your next well design. Currently, we are unsurpassed, and feel confident that we have the largest and the fastest growing fracturing and completions database in Canada. We are frac engineers that have 10 years of experience building and using frac databases tied to production with proven SPE papers and industry presentations. Our database solutions are rapidly becoming the new industry standard for attaining detailed well completions. Specializing in visualizing the data on maps, graphs, tables and quick reports, we determine the applicable fracturing theories for your play based on production success. We use our field experience, production matched fracturing simulators, frac optimization processes and the information on your next well to maximize your profit. Our clients have been able to use our solutions to increase production, mitigate risk, decrease expenses and identify new clients/suppliers for products and services. We are a full service stimulation company with everything but the frac equipment to provide independent review and supervision from the start to the end of your next project. We will make sure you are "Fracin' Right!"

Details about FracKnowledge
Frequently Asked Questions about William Radford
William Radford currently works for FracKnowledge.
William Radford's role at FracKnowledge is IT Manager.
William Radford's email address is ***@fracknowledge.com. To view William Radford's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
William Radford works in the Oil & Energy industry.
William Radford's colleagues at FracKnowledge are Gregory Zaslavsky and others.
William Radford's phone number is N/A
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