William Walter

Supervisor at Criterion Catalysts - Houston, Texas, US

William Walter's Contact Details
(713) 241-3000
Michigan City,Indiana,United States
Criterion Catalysts
William Walter's Company Details

Criterion Catalysts

Houston, Texas, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Chemical Manufacturing

Criterion is an international company that supplies catalysts, process technologies and catalyst services for a wide range of refining applications. We have more than 50 years experience developing, manufacturing, testing, marketing and servicing catalysts that are used in every type of hydroprocessing operation. We offer a variety of process technologies that can be packaged with our catalysts to create a complete, optimized solution for any hydroprocessing problem or supplied independently. Criterion is a wholly owned subsidiary of CRI/Criterion Inc., which is a part of Shell Group and a major supplier of refining and petrochemical catalysts, processes and know-how. Criterion operates globally but acts locally. Having multiple research & development, manufacturing and technical services facilities spread around the world gives us better insights into local trends and into an individual customer's situation and provides the means to respond rapidly to each customer's current and future needs.

Shell Catalysts And Technologies Criterion Dn-140 Criterion Shell
Details about Criterion Catalysts
Frequently Asked Questions about William Walter
William Walter currently works for Criterion Catalysts.
William Walter's role at Criterion Catalysts is Supervisor.
William Walter's email address is ***@criterioncatalysts.com. To view William Walter's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
William Walter works in the Chemical Manufacturing industry.
William Walter's colleagues at Criterion Catalysts are Joel Hardy, Antoine Hanna, Chris Barsby, Nicole Dille, Ryan Jankowski, Martin Hess, Frank Bohme and others.
William Walter's phone number is (713) 241-3000
See more information about William Walter