The World Master Chefs Society is a leading global honours society for exceptionally skilled professional chefs with over 150 members across 11 international Chapters. The society recognises the quality of its members and awards the title of World Master Chef, a unique recognition benchmark based on the following values: Social, educational, environmental, inspirational, technological, practical and global jobs. Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant union of talented professionals who are dedicated to advancing the culinary arts and beyond.We encourage our World Master Chefs to foster their culinary wisdom and creativity within their kitchens and communities and share their global stories to promote the social, educational, environmental and inspirational impact of our industry.Founded over 50 years ago the World Master Chefs Society now has worldwide members in 49 countries and is the only Society certified to award the title of World Master Chef and regularly awards reputable Chefs with both World Master Chef (MWMCS) and Fellow (FWMCS) status.