Pulsemedia is one of the fastest rising Performance Network with about inclusion in http://thepma.org/ and located in US, We aim at bringing providing digital marketing with style serving the needs of our affiliates and advertisers. We currently run on the hasoffers platform which is subject to change as we grow, we have been in operations less than six months now, we have our own internal media buy team and open to affiliates, though we have few affiliates since we are private invite affiliates for now as we plan to establish with more affiliates as time goes on. We have cpadetective as a measure to track affiliates activity and keep good records and free fraud platform. We are looking to broker exclusive offers which are not available with us and is required by our affs which ranges in different verticals. Since we have affs with mixed value, we have some with Mobile traffic and others with web traffic which traffic sources ranges from pops, to email to social, banner, contextual, call center amongst other means of generating traffic,we have few connections with incentivized offers as most affs uses paid means of production.