Peg measures the health of our community year over year – in ways that count. We report on everything from the health of babies born in Winnipeg right through to how many of them graduate 18 years later. We track how much garbage we take to the landfill, how we move around the city and how we choose to spend our time.It's through Peg that Winnipeggers can learn how their life, their neighbourhood, and their city is changing. Peg is a starting place for Winnipeg's citizens, business owners, and policy makers to learn the facts so they can lead change to create a better city.Peg is a community indicator system, tracking measures called ‘indicators' that reflect and measure our city's well-being. The indicators, developed by a wide variety of stakeholders, are grouped into seven theme areas: Built Environment, Basic Needs, Economy, Education & Learning, Health, Natural Environment, and Social Vitality & Governance.