What is SimpleBuild?SimpleBuild is a construction management platform that helps builders, re-modelers and contractorsdo their job more easily, more efficiently and more profitably than ever before. It's designed to bethe builder's best partner through all parts of the construction process: from design to build to warranty.For years, SimpleBuild has been the quiet engine powering some of America's biggest and most important construction projects. Why was it created?SimpleBuild believes that builders have the hardest jobs on earth.From bidding, to designing, to building, to managing clients and building relationships, it's a never-ending and often thankless job. We created SimpleBuild because builders need a quicker, better, smarter, more profitable solution.Less time on the job site means more time – with your family, to yourself – enjoying life.Who is SimpleBuild?SimpleBuild is a collection of builders, project managers and developers who have come together to create the simplest, best and most efficient construction management software on the market.We get it. We understand. That's because we're builders too. We know what it's like to handle the thousands of estimates, clients, build relationships, manage projects, deal with vendors, subs, etc.