Wole Agbaje

Owner/Operation Manager at Concrete Restoration, Inc. - Seattle, WA, US

Wole Agbaje's Contact Details
Concrete Restoration, Inc.
Wole Agbaje's Company Details
Concrete Restoration, Inc. logo, Concrete Restoration, Inc. contact details

Concrete Restoration, Inc.

Seattle, WA, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Construction Services

Since 1989 Concrete Restoration, Inc. (CRI) has provided specialty contracting to the Western United States and beyond, covering a broad scope of work including concrete restoration, repair, rehabilitation, protection, coating and decorative enhancement. Our mission is to set the industry standard for quality through innovation, expertise, and partnership with our customers, employees, and community. Through our dedication to quality, teamwork, and relationships, we have grown rapidly and are able to provide the experienced personnel and resources needed to complete projects of large and varied scope on commercial, industrial, multi-use, high-end residential, multi-family and marine structures. We are proud of our ability to identify high value solutions, and look forward to providing the same value to your company.

Concrete Repair Concrete Polishing Surface Preparation Concrete Staining and Sealing Waterproofing Resinous Floor Coatings Polyurethane Injection
Details about Concrete Restoration, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Wole Agbaje
Wole Agbaje currently works for Concrete Restoration, Inc..
Wole Agbaje's role at Concrete Restoration, Inc. is Owner/Operation Manager.
Wole Agbaje's email address is ***@concreterestorationinc.com. To view Wole Agbaje's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Wole Agbaje works in the Construction industry.
Wole Agbaje's colleagues at Concrete Restoration, Inc. are Tim Coots, Patrick Kimball, Shannon Ware, Steve Slaney, Patrick Ames, Kyle Sohns and others.
Wole Agbaje's phone number is 888-937-0415
See more information about Wole Agbaje