Business Valuation Advisors (BVA) was founded in 1997 & has performed literally thousands of valuations in nearly all major business sectors locally & globally including agriculture, automotive & transportation, business services, construction, power companies, mining, financial services, health care, medical services, hospitality, insurance, technology, manufacturing, property, publishing & printing, restaurants, retail, telecommunications & more.BVA are a team of professional staff members who have worked together through some of the trickiest business valuation challenges imaginable. This experience base enables us to leap boldly into unchartered territory & just get the job done. It is this collective experience & extra-mile attitude that contributes to the formula that has been the cornerstone of BVA's success over the years.The best evidence to measure the success of our formula lies in the long-term relationships & continued service to our clients & the referrals we receive from them & many of the top accounting firms, legal teams & business brokers. Experience… We specialise in valuations of businesses. Our valuation professionals have expertise in a wide variety of industries & can meet a variety of complex valuation needs for companies & other large or small entities.Validation… Our business valuations have been accepted by clients, buyers, sellers, partners, advocates, attorneys, investors, auditors, banks, South African Revenue Services etc. Our valuation advice has been validated by real world transactions.Integrity… BVA provides unbiased, independent business valuation advice & stakes its reputation on every valuation report. Clients, buyers, sellers, auditors & investors make important financial decisions based on valuations that can dramatically impact people's lives. If you are looking for a professional unbiased & objective valuation opinion, BVA is the business valuation firm for you.