28 Too Many is a leading anti-female genital mutilation (FGM) charity working to end FGM across Africa and the diaspora communities through: Research | Building community networks | International advocacy.Our aim is to provide knowledge, tools, best practice models and support networks which help anti-FGM campaigners and organisations working with communities bring about a sustainable change to end FGM.28 Too Many effects change by:1. Collating and Interpreting Data (Research)We present data in a number of ways, primarily through Country Profile Reports and Thematic Papers, and with additional research products as required. To support our aims, we make this research available globally.2. Influencing Influencers (Top-down approach)Using the data we have collated, we engage key influencers, encouraging them to advocate for change (of policy, legislation, etc) within their spheres of influence.3. Equipping Local Organisations (Bottom-up approach)Based on our research, we develop and distribute advocacy materials and training tools that local organisations can use to bring effective change at a community level.Ultimately change happens when policy and legislation (top-down) aligns with community action and education (bottom-up). Our approach is to play a catalytic role in both and to base our interventions on solid research.Our vision is a world where every girl and woman is safe, healthy and lives free from female genital mutilation.Free downloadable research and resources are on our website: www.28toomany.orgFollow @28TooMany on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for regular FGM news and updates