Senior Vice President, Head of Technology at Duality Biologics - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
About Duality Biologics"To Translate Novel Modality into Reality". Duality Biologics was founded in January 2020 by Dr. John Zhu, a well-respected investor in the healthcare industry. Duality Bio is committed to developing novel modality drugs to fulfill the unmet medical needs for patients worldwide. Focusing on the oncology and autoimmune diseases, the company has built a novel internal pipeline including nearly 10 Best-in-Class and First-in-Class bispecific antibody and Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) drugs, of which several drug candidates are in the IND stage. The company has successfully built the next-generation ADC platform with global intellectual property rights. The value of this platform has been validated by a number of drug candidates under development.The company has an international team located in China and the United States, with proven track record in the field of novel drug research, clinical development and global business development. The global clinical development team has led clinical trials for more than 50 oncology and immunology drugs, and facilitated the approval of five innovative drugs in China and the United States. The global business development team has led and executed more than 20 strategic global in-licensing, out-licensing and M&A collaboration deals, with a total valuation of more than $5 billion. Duality Bio will continue to expand and deepen the existing pipeline and R&D platform, both through internal R&D effort and strategic external collaborations.CONTACT US:info@dualitybiologics.com关于映恩生物"交映生辉,恩泽生命" 。映恩生物Duality Biologics由行业知名投资人朱忠远博士在2020年1月创立,致力于开发创新分子类型药物(Novel Modality Drug),满足患者需求。公司聚焦肿瘤及自身免疫疾病领域,打造了近10款同类最优("Best-in-class")及全球首创("First-in-class")的双特异性抗体及抗体偶联药物(ADC),其中多款药物处于IND申报阶段,并成功建立具有全球知识产权的下一代 ADC平台,平台价值已在多款在研药物分子上得到验证。公司拥有一支国际化团队,在中美两地运营,其成员在新药研发领域有着傲人的业绩。他们领导参与了 50多个肿瘤及自身免疫药物的全球临床开发;并帮助5款创新药物在中国和美国获批上市。商务拓展团队曾完成20项极具战略意义的国际合作,合同总额高达50亿美元。映恩生物将持续通过自主研发及产品引进,双轮驱动,拓展深化现有产品管线及研发平台。联络我们:info@duality