Member of Advisory Committee at Global Protected Area Friendly System - Beijing, Beijing, China
The goal of Global Protected Area Friendly System: GPAFS is dedicated to combating the declining trend in global biodiversity, and to safeguarding the eco-security bottom line that matters the survival of mankind. Core Actions: GPAFS promotes living styles and production models friendly to PAs, and develops platform to add value to PA friendly products, so as to increase income of local communities, meanwhile, to pay-back to in order to closing sustainable conservation cycle. The most important representatives of indicators: wild animal populations are healthy, and water and soil are well preserved. The strategy of GPAFS: Everyone participates! Our role: Develop a platform to mobilize the social resource and coordinate partners from various fields. Our tasks: Develop criteria and provide scientific services, demonstrate to public, establish cooperation (with international, various industries and all possible resources), conduct supervision, quality control and certification, and organize praise and dissemination. Having analyzed in depth above global biodiversity status and how to effectively conduct nature conservation, Dr XIE Yan, an associate research professor from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, established the GPAFS in 2013 based on her 20 years' rich research and conservation practice. September 2014, Responding to Dr. XIE's proposal, 29 stockholders invested and established the PA Friendly System Co. Ltd. in the commonweal way which the investment cannot be withdrawn for 3 years and no bonus forever. The company is responsible for the marketing operation of GPAFS. The GPAFS has taken a solid step of organizing social resources to participate and improve effectiveness and sustainability of conservation, develop platform to mitigate conflict of conservation and community development in and around protected areas.