Xue Hua

Claim consultant at ADR Partnership Limited - , Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Xue Hua's Contact Details
Hong Kong,Hong Kong
ADR Partnership Limited
Xue Hua's Company Details
ADR Partnership Limited logo, ADR Partnership Limited contact details

ADR Partnership Limited

, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong • 7 Employees

ADR Partnership Limited is a dynamic practice of construction professionals providing commercial and contractual services to the construction industry.ADR has a reputation for the very best construction claim consultants and contract advisors in Hong Kong. Our specialist team is able to provide a full range of expert services including claims preparation, contract advice, expert witness and dispute resolution services to contractors, subcontractors, developers, government bodies and their legal representatives.ADR's expertise includes:~ Infrastructure works: tunnels, rail, airports, roads and bridges~ Utilities and building services: power stations, sewerage treatment works, water treatment plants and E&M;~ Piling and Earthworks: foundations, reclamations and site formation~ Building works: commercial and residential developmentADR's commitment is to work with you, make full use of our expertise and deliver value added solutions that make a difference

Details about ADR Partnership Limited
Frequently Asked Questions about Xue Hua
Xue Hua currently works for ADR Partnership Limited.
Xue Hua's role at ADR Partnership Limited is Claim consultant.
Xue Hua's email address is ***@adrpartnership.com. To view Xue Hua's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Xue Hua works in the Construction industry.
Xue Hua's colleagues at ADR Partnership Limited are Bowie Huang, Kaymond Lam, John Koch, James Longbottom, David Robson and others.
Xue Hua's phone number is
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