Hey, there!What is the secret ingredient of creating a successful product? We share the answer with you, but tss: talented software engineers and designers who love what they do. We are CreativeIT, small and extremely professional team of full-stack javascript and ui/ux experts. We have strong technical mind, extensive experience in solving challenges and a lot of enthusiasm to help you.Our awesome expertises:- ux/ui: analytics, usability, prototyping, clean design- frontend frameworks: react, angular, backbone - styles: sass, less, bem, bootstrap and mdl - preprocessors: es6, es7, babel, jsx, coffee- tasks/packages/loaders: gulp, grunt, cake, browserify, requirejs, bower, npm - backend stack: nodejs, websockets, sql and no-sql databases - tdd: mocha, jasmine, selenium web-driver, phantomjs, should, sinon - cloudy: heroku, firebase - process: scrum, canban, code review, jiraOur key advantages: - smart and responsible people- fully transparent work process- coordinated and harmonious teamAlso we contribute to open source and teach latest technologies for free both on- and offline.Feel free to contact ushello@creativeit.io