ZA Difference a vibrant, new, independent magazine about South Africa that deserves the attention of every business addressing a broad cross-section of South Africans ... and the attention of every organisation that cares about change and transformation in our country.This monthly magazine provides a forum for diverse opinions, interesting dialogue, eye-opening information and practical solutions towards a better South Africa.ZA Difference is not about our seemingly insurmountable problems, nor about what our government is not doing. It is about what each of us can do in our own way and in our small circle of influence to cause transformation and create the kind of world we want to live in.ZA Difference highlights the desperate, but mostly hidden reality faced by the majority of South Africa's citizens and takes a critical look at what individuals, families and communities can do to help create a better world for themselves — making use of the myriad resources, programmes, projects and support structures that are already available.We are committed to bringing useful printed information that is usually available only on the internet, to disadvantaged people and communities that would not otherwise have access to such information. We are also committed to bringing insight and understanding about this disadvantaged world to an affluent audience in order to promote tolerance, cooperation and peace.To get an in-depth view, visit