Economic Attaché (counselor) at Israel Economic and Trade Office, Korea - , Seoul, South Korea
주한이스라엘대사관 경제무역대표부는 이스라엘과 한국 양국의 무역 및 투자와 상호간의 경제교류를 지원합니다. 주된 활동 분야는 무역과 수출 촉진, 무역 협정, 해외 투자 및 해외 기업들과의 전략적 협력을 창출하는데 있습니다. The Israel Economy and Trade Office at the Embassy of Israel aims to promote and facilitate trade and investment between Israel and Korea, and to enhance bilateral commercial relations. The main fields of activity include activities for the promotion of trade and export, initiating and maintaining trade agreements for the improvement of Israel's trade conditions, attracting and encouraging foreign investments and creating strategic cooperation with foreign companies.