New Glass Technology produces, processes and distributes speciality glazing for the building, the automotive and marine industry. We are specialized in complex glass products such as:Balustrade glasses: DG 41, ES foil, Sentry glasBent glass: max 3210 x 6000 : IGU, Tempered and LaminatedHeatable glassBulletproof glassFire-rated glassAntireflective glassLaminated tempered glass max 3210 x 9000 *Glass staircases*Glass floors*Glass balustrades* Spider Glass Laminated glass max 3210 x 9000 * bulletproof glass* burglary glass* Sentry glas* Vanceva glassDigital printingScreenprintingLaserprintingRestoration glass : Monumental glass; Noble, Restover; Goethe; Colonial Mouthblown, Restauro, Castle, Versaille, Histora in single, laminated or IGU (10mm) versionRead more on