Rising costs of real-estate has resulted in greater travel time to access affordable work space, while compromising on working conditions. Growing number of startups, freelancers and people entering the job market, working with a low budget needed a better answer than compromise. Cafes or Quick Service Restaurants(QSRs) supply seating space with great locations and amenities that fits the criteria. We come in to bridge this gap, for those looking for better and affordable working space.Caffice offers you the flexibility to pick your location, space and time frame.Adding up to the shared spaces, caffice offers a range of meeting rooms in the most convenient locations in the city. A host of amenities to make matters easier and impressive as you can use these Meeting Rooms for company as well as private Meetings.Networking is a major benefit when it comes to shared spaces. Caffice takes networking and community building to the next level through the Events feature. Small pockets of communities enjoy great freedom for now they have hassle free Event organizing option!