We are the MPSTME student section of the International Society of Automation.The objectives of ISA MPSTME: ISA MPSTME aims to foster curiosity of automation technology, not only among the students of this institute, but all students we interact with. In accordance with ISA's objectives, we try to create meaningful networks between students and institutions, with the sole aim of increasing participation and interest in automation and other such fields of the future. We have immense support from our faculty mentors and student departments, and provide the best possible experience for everyone who aims to work with robotics, automation and all encompassed fields. Whether in the form of competitions, events or workshops, ISA MPSTME provides resources and paths to students to achieve their dreams. The achievements of ISA MPSTME: ● We were awarded for being the best student section for the year 2019-20. ● ISA MPSTME was chosen to host the first ever Indian Automation Games, giving the opportunity to teams from all over India to participate. The event was graced with the presence of Mr. Rajesh Rathi, the President of ISA District 14. ● The top 6 teams of IAG were given the opportunity to take part in SAIT World Automation Games in Calgary, Alberta in Canada. ● We represented ISA Maharashtra in their booth at Automation Expo 2019.