Shave the amount of time spent scraping the internet for important information on your dream institutions that you wish to attend.Automatically browse data of over 6,000+ institutions across the United States, including the eight Ivy League Schools, the ten University of California (UC) campuses, the ten Claremont Colleges, and the twenty-three California State University (CSU) campuses.Have access to the most latest valuable data, such as FAFSA, in-state and out-of-state tuition, application and admission requirements, standardized testing scores, subject breakdowns, urbanization, college type, and so much more, ALL IN ONE PLACE.View real-time percentile score breakdowns and sub-scores of each subject covered on the SAT & ACT.View information that may play an important role in your applications, such as the college's mission statement.Want to save the amount of time spent on finding data on your dream schools? Just wait til you try College Manager.