Yashwanth R

Design Engineer at Innomac Oy - Turku, N/A, FI

Yashwanth R's Contact Details
Innomac Oy
Yashwanth R's Company Details
Innomac Oy logo, Innomac Oy contact details

Innomac Oy

Turku, N/A, FI • 20 - 49 Employees
Construction Machinery

Innomac Oy tarjoaa puun- ja alumiinintyöstön sekä kierrätysteknologian tuotantoratkaisuja ja palveluita.Tuotevalikoimamme on laaja ja toimittajamme edustavat maailman huippua. Asiantuntijamme ovat valmiina palvelemaan kaikissa tuotantosi tehostamista koskevissa asioissa aina investointien suunnittelusta huoltopalveluihin.Tehtävämme on auttaa suomalaisia asiakkaitamme menestymään. Parannamme asiakkaidemme kannattavuutta ja tuottavuutta toimittamalla kustannustehokkaasti luotettavia koneita ja palveluja.Toimintamme on joustavaa ja otamme palvelussamme huomioon asiakkaidemme erilaiset toiveet ja tarpeet.Innomac toimii huolellisesti valitulla tuoteohjelmalla, joka antaa luotettavuutta ja kilpailukykyä myös pitkällä aikavälillä.---Innomac Oy - one of the biggest woodworking machinery import companies in Finland sells high quality industrial machinery for processing wood, aluminium, plastics, surface finishing, bioenergy and recycling. Our goal is to help our Finnish customers to be successful at their business. We fulfill our mission by improving customers' viability and productivity by supplying high quality machines trough cost-effective and reliable sales and service process.Innomac ensures customers' long term competitiveness with an optimized product portfolio. Our high performance and flexibility perfectly meets the individual customer requirements.All products are high-quality, value-rich machines meant to be a wise investment for any growing business.Our machine suppliers are world first class manufacturers and they offer a large range of high technology woodworking, plastics, metal and recycling processing machinery. To our supplier partners we offer marketing, sales, project management and after sales services in Finland. If you are interested improving your business in Finland, please contact Managing Director Pasi Vuohelainen pasi.vuohelainen@innomac.fi.

Details about Innomac Oy
Frequently Asked Questions about Yashwanth R
Yashwanth R currently works for Innomac Oy.
Yashwanth R's role at Innomac Oy is Design Engineer.
Yashwanth R's email address is ***@innomac.fi. To view Yashwanth R's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Yashwanth R works in the Machinery industry.
Yashwanth R's colleagues at Innomac Oy are Pasi Vuohelainen, Kai Nurminen, Timo Rantanen, Juhani Vuohelainen, Teemu Laaksonen, Kari Kohtamki, Jani Vähäsilta and others.
Yashwanth R's phone number is N/A
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