Assistant Engineer at Abans Engineering (Pvt) Limited - MEP Division - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Western Province, Sri Lanka
* ABANS ENGINEERING –MEP DIVISIONWe are expert in Engineering, Procurement and Construction(EPC) under all Mechanical,Electrical & Plumbing(MEP) Works for all types of Construction works including Hotels, Apartment Complexes and Commercial buildings.* WHAT WE OFFERAll EPC Works (MEP) mainly under below categories:Air Conditioning, Fire Detection & Protection, Plumbing(Hot/Cold Water,Drainage,Sewage,Rain water etc.), Electrical (High Voltage, Medium/Low Voltage) & Extra Low Voltage(Building Management, Public Address, Closed Circuit Television, Telephone, Master Antenna Television, Access Control Systems etc.)Design optimization and Value Engineering WorksProject Management, Timely & Economical Project Completion*OUR KEY STRENGTHSProficient Engineering Design/Execution team including Mechanical & Electrical Chartered Engineers, over 25 years of experience in local & foreign ProjectsExperienced Project Executions, Testing and Commissioning Team with a skilled Supervision team.Bonded Warehouse to facilitate Duty Free projects.Availability of Spare Parts and back‐up service from our Principles.Technical support, updates and training on a continuous basis locally and overseas.Strong Financial Capability of Abans Engineering (Pvt) Ltd.