RingMD is a healthcare network designed to connect patients with leading healthcare providers around the world - anytime, anywhere. Through the use of cutting-edge technology in a simple-to-use app and online platform, we provide our patients with instant access to a global community of healthcare providers. THE MISSIONWe launched the company for one simple reason: billions of people across the globe still lack access to basic healthcare. Technological advances and the ubiquity of the internet mean that we can start to redress the colossal, global disparity in care accessibility. Our mission is to bring healthcare online, enabling affordable healthcare provision for everyone — independently of location or socio-economic status. We have the opportunity to make a meaningful, sustainable difference to people around the world. OUR PRODUCTSOur core product is the RingMD platform which provides a network of healthcare providers and the technology to schedule appointments and provide instant online consultations. We work with a broad spectrum of clients, from involvement in advanced government initiatives to hospital network collaborations.BENEFITS FOR THE PATIENT No matter where you are, or what your condition – you can instantly find a healthcare provider who can help you. BENEFITS FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERSYou can help patients from around the world from the comfort of your office or home. Take back your time and provide better care to your patients.BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYERSYou can reduce your healthcare costs and increase the productivity of your employees by providing RingMD to them as a service.