Project Manager at SDI. (Slum Dwellers International) - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Registered Professional Town Planner with Sacplan Pr Pln. A/2623/2018
Programme Coordinator: Advocacy, Resilience and Federation Building
Women Transforming the Slums of Our Cities. Slums need to be recognized as vibrant communities that are full of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and dignity. – Jockin Arputham, President & Founder, SDI33 countries. 12 million households. A global slum dweller movement. SDI's women-centred federations drive bottom-up change for inclusive and resilient cities. Federations use strategies like daily savings, peer-to-peer exchange, community data collection, and mapping to organize urban poor communities in cities of the Global South. SDI has shown repeatedly that networks of slum dwellers are important change makers, capable of transforming our slums and cities for the better. #KnowYourCity Know Your City is a ground-breaking global campaign for participatory, pro-poor, people-centred urban governance. KYC unites organised slum dwellers and local governments in partnerships anchored by community-led slum data, guiding development policies, programs and investments and co-producing innovative solutions to the persistent social, economic, environmental and political risks facing cities worldwide.