Yayasan Netra

NGO at Yayasan Mitra Netra - South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Yayasan Netra's Contact Details
Jakarta,Special Capital Region of Jakarta,Indonesia
Yayasan Mitra Netra
Yayasan Netra's Company Details
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Yayasan Mitra Netra

South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia • 10 Employees
Nonprofit Organization Management

Yayasan Mitra Netra (Mitra Netra Foundation) is a not-for-profit organization that focuses its programs on the efforts to improve quality and participation of the blind in the area of education and employment. It was established in Jakarta on May 14, 1991 with legal entity status and is registered in the Official Gazette dated 14/12 Year 2001 number 100. The reason for its establishment was the lack of the right service and facility provider for the blind in the area of education. It resulted in the inexistence of opportunity in the form of equal treatment for the blind in such area. This condition made the blind human resource unable to develop their potential that they find difficulty in competing for getting any job, both in formal and informal sectors. Vision Functioning as the developer and provider of services to build the independent, smart, and meaningful life of blind in the inclusive communityMission - To minimize the blindness effect by rehabilitation.- To develop the potential of the blind through education and training.- To provide equal job opportunity for the blind through diversification and employment efforts.- To develop special skills and facilities for the blind through the research.- To increase the capacity of other service providers for the blind by disseminating skills and products resulted.- To do advocacy to stimulate the implementation of inclusive community that accommodates all people with diversities.

Details about Yayasan Mitra Netra
Frequently Asked Questions about Yayasan Netra
Yayasan Netra currently works for Yayasan Mitra Netra.
Yayasan Netra's role at Yayasan Mitra Netra is NGO.
Yayasan Netra's email address is ***@mitranetra.or.id. To view Yayasan Netra's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Yayasan Netra works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Yayasan Netra's colleagues at Yayasan Mitra Netra are Ameria Firdauzy and others.
Yayasan Netra's phone number is
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