Yayra Ahelegbe

Administrative Assistant at Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana - Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Yayra Ahelegbe's Contact Details
Greater Accra,Ghana
Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana
Yayra Ahelegbe's Company Details
Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana logo, Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana contact details

Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana

Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana • 2 Employees
Logistics & Supply Chain

CISCM has been as a professional body since 2009 and was formally incorporated under company's code 1963 (ACT 179) as a company limited by guarantee. Later the institute was registered under the Professional Bodies Registration Decree 1973 (NRCD 143) by the Registrar of Professional Bodies (as Professional Bodies Certificate number PB 62). CISCM-GH Definition - Integrated Supply Chain management is a value stream working relationship through a centralized system of collaborated culture of leadership and policy to gain stakeholder utility, best value for money and conduit for prosperity and economic development. Integrated supply chain thinking and actions increase Gross Domestic Product six times than removing the tariffs on imports. Its a sign of a country's growing productive capacity, through industrialization, sustainability, economies beyond aid which leads to economic and social prosperity. It's a progressive liberalization of cross-border transactions which advances developing countries to international markets. ISCM requires collaboration and the sharing of data using a strong technology infrastructure which leads to streamlined and efficient activities. Integrating the supply chain improves overall transparency and trace-ability, which is becoming increasingly significant for today's discerning consumers in the globalized market. A fully integrated supply chain is a requisite strategy for countries who wish to become or remain competitive. ISCM is a coordinated problem solving strategy for each value stream using enterprise resource for optimization and performance. The concept involves sharing risks and rewards among value stream partners in a way perceived by all as fair. Developing countries transnational corporations (TNCs) can take advantage of the best-available human or physical resources in different countries through integrated supply chain with a view to maintaining their competitiveness by augmenting productivity and minimizing costs...

Details about Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana
Frequently Asked Questions about Yayra Ahelegbe
Yayra Ahelegbe currently works for Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana.
Yayra Ahelegbe's role at Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana is Administrative Assistant.
Yayra Ahelegbe's email address is ***@ciscgh.org. To view Yayra Ahelegbe's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Yayra Ahelegbe works in the Transportation/trucking/railroad industry.
Yayra Ahelegbe's colleagues at Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) - Ghana are and others.
Yayra Ahelegbe's phone number is
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