Yazan Andrawes

inventory Coordinator at Florida CirTech, Inc - , Colorado, United States

Yazan Andrawes's Colleagues at Florida CirTech, Inc
Saira Shariff

National Sales & Distribution Manager

Contact Saira Shariff

Lane Smith

Marketing Coordinator

Contact Lane Smith

Tom Reina

Technical Sales Representative

Contact Tom Reina

Yazan Andrawes's Contact Details
Amman,Amman Governorate,Jordan
Florida CirTech, Inc
Yazan Andrawes's Company Details
Florida CirTech, Inc logo, Florida CirTech, Inc contact details

Florida CirTech, Inc

, Colorado, United States • 11 - 50 Employees

Florida CirTech was founded in 1991 in Florida, USA by Mike Scimeca. The company began as a developer and manufacturer of proprietary chemicals for the electronics assembly and printed circuit board fabrication industries. From the outset; innovation, quality and customer satisfaction were primary goals for the company. In the years since, Florida CirTech has continued to grow by emphasizing the same goals while expanding into complementary markets. In 1996, management, R&D and manufacturing operations were consolidated to Greeley, Colorado. The combination of Colorado's entrepreneurial spirit, boundless enthusiasm, natural resources and central location have all contributed to Florida CirTech's steady growth.

Details about Florida CirTech, Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Yazan Andrawes
Yazan Andrawes currently works for Florida Cirtech.
Yazan Andrawes's role at Florida Cirtech is inventory Coordinator.
Yazan Andrawes's email address is ***@floridacirtech.com. To view Yazan Andrawes's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Yazan Andrawes works in the Chemicals industry.
Yazan Andrawes's colleagues at Florida CirTech, Inc are Saira Shariff, David York, Lane Smith, Tom Reina and others.
Yazan Andrawes's phone number is
See more information about Yazan Andrawes