More Than a Web Agency-------------------------------------Kahuna is a leading performance based digital agency based In Tel Aviv. Kahuna provides Digital solutions from the initiation phase to finalization. We provide a unique process that will cover all your digital aspects.Our company specializes in:• PPC : Google Adwords & Facebook Ads• SEO• Mobile application development : Our mobile team provide product Specification, design and development both for iOS and android• Social Media : Kahuna content team runs all social media for the brand. We will manage your Facebook page, Instagram, google plus, Pinterest and any other required platform• Dashboard : Our unique dashboard will provide access to all campaigns running on line with data about your leads, clicks and CPA. The dashboard has connectivity capabilities to wide range of Companies CRM• Analytics and goals : Analytics setup, goals and event set up, conversion rate optimization and KPI's reports.We help our clients plan, understand, implement, and track their digital marketing activities.