Keka's Travel Agency is a corporation established in Miami, Florida with 20 years of professional experience with accreditation by ARC (Airline Reporting Corp.), ASTA and IATAN Associations.Keka's Travel will satisfy all of your domestic and international travel needs in the following areas: Airlines ticketing Tours & Cruises Hotel & Car Reservations Tourism Packages Sports and especial events packagesWe have every resource at our disposal to help accommodate all of your leisure and/or business trip needs.We have experienced and professional travel consultants ready to assist all our customers with any and all travel necessities.We handle one of the best computerized configuration systems in automated reservations in the industry. This system is inter-connected throughout the world with all airlines, cruise lines, hotels, car rental services, tourism packages and special event centres. This service also provides the best in internet services, including e-mail access at the finger prints of every agent, to ensure quick and adequate real solutions.With the special addition to our system of the "Value Pricier Program" we can ensure our customers get the best price available on the market at the time of booking reservations.We also carry a very sophisticated back office system which generates over 16 different tracking reports in secure client account activity.Our dedication, honesty and integrity in the travel industry has established Keka's Travel Agency as a reputable and prestigious company among its clientele and its affiliates in the tourism and travel business.Keka's Travel Agency Inc. is proud to have the opportunity to provide all its clients with the utmost gratitude and professional services.