English Second Language Tutor at Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Yerevan - Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
Assistant Professor, PHD.Deputy Executive Director on educational work
Yerevan Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University is a separate structural division of the one of the wold leadin universities. The Yerevan Branch was launched on March 30, 2015 and in July 2015 the first admission was conducted.The education in the Yerevan Branch of Moscow State University implemented according to the curricula programs of MSU. Mode of study – daytime, on a contractual and the budget basis. Trainings conduct in Russian by professors of Moscow State University.The Yerevan Branch has 7 directions of bachelor training program:• Applied Mathematics and Informatics• Law• Journalism (specializations – Multimedia Journalism; Advertising and Public Relations)• International Relations• Linguistics• Economics• Fundamental MedicineAdmission is held based on the results of two entrance exams: Russian (exposition) and the exam on the main subject. Examiners - Central Admission Committee of MSU.Graduates receive a diploma of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.