OX3 TV Production is an NYC-based, creativity-driven media production company with a diverse roster of directors, producers, and industry professionals. We specialize in original business series and news stories, working closely with TV networks, PR agencies, and marketing firms. Our mission is to present cutting-edge technology and in-depth entrepreneurial stories that resonate with audiences around the world.Our featured show "The Origin" ("Startups, Made in the USA") reached 160 million hits in 2018. The docuseries "NEXT: Blockchain," is one of the best documentary project finalists at MIPDoc 2018, Cannes. "NEXT: Blockchain" has also partnered with UNICEF Office of Innovation in the #Blockchain4BetterWorld initiative.Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ox3ProductionWeibo: https://www.weibo.com/u/6182804667Documentary: https://www.nextdocumentary.com/Watch "The Origin," behind the scenes stories of entrepreneurs and innovationshttp://v.qq.com/detail/s/sdp0013c4anfh7i.htmlWatch "NEXT: Blockchain"https://v.qq.com/x/cover/io7tl50etabtu4e/c061565w46x.htmlhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C7S751X/