CORPORATE IMAGE OF CITISTOREAs interpreted by Chinese version, "千色CITISTORE" represents colorful and diversified Department Store which provides various and plentiful merchandising mix to make customers enjoy their shopping in a harmony environment.LOGO OF CITISTOREOur new corporate logo was designed by famous local designer Mr. Alan Chan. The 4 colorful patterns look like human figures, representing our people-oriented spirit. The colors, including blue, green, red, purple and silver express our mission of "Adding Colors to Customers' life"Our Mission – "CUSTOMER FIRST""Customer First" is the philosophy of Citistore for providing customers with our quality services, quality merchandises and upgrading their living standards in a quality lifestyle. The followings are our THREE- Qs Missions,"Quality Services.Quality Merchandises.Quality Lifestyle"千色CITISTORE企業形象「千色」象徵色彩繽紛,作為一間多元化的百貨公司,千色CITISTORE致力挑選優質貨品,由服飾美容、運動用品、生活精品,到廚房用具、床上用品、嬰童及孕婦用品、食品等樣樣皆備,務求令顧客一站式搜羅生活所需,令生活更美滿多采。商標意念 —「為生活添千色」千色CITISTORE企業商標由著名設計師陳幼堅操刀,由四個「千」字圖案組成,亦彷似跳躍的人影,採用藍、青、紅、紫同銀色,色彩繽紛,代表千色CITISTORE「為生活添千色」的使命。我們的使命 — 「顧客至上」「顧客至上」是本公司之服務原則,我們承諾為顧客提供優質服務及優質貨品,以求達至優質之生活水準。以下為本公司「三優服務承諾」︰「優質服務.優質貨品.優質生活」