Ying-Jung Hsiang

Social Media Marketer at Feng Cha - Richardson, TX, US

Ying-Jung Hsiang's Contact Details
Dallas, Texas, United States
Feng Cha
Ying-Jung Hsiang's Company Details
Feng Cha logo, Feng Cha contact details

Feng Cha

Richardson, TX, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Food Processing

By making tea you are not just making a drink for another, you are creating a new joyful experience for our customers. To encapsulate this ethos of spreading happiness and creating community, we are proud to announce our new slogan: "Bring People Together". We want to make Feng Cha a welcoming space for people of different backgrounds where they can create connection and exchange their cultures over the drinks and desserts we make.

Coffee/Tea/Desert Shop Franchise
Details about Feng Cha
Frequently Asked Questions about Ying-Jung Hsiang
Ying-Jung Hsiang currently works for Feng Cha.
Ying-Jung Hsiang's role at Feng Cha is Social Media Marketer.
Ying-Jung Hsiang's email address is ***@fengchausa.com. To view Ying-Jung Hsiang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ying-Jung Hsiang works in the Food Processing industry.
Ying-Jung Hsiang's colleagues at Feng Cha are Joshua Lee, Diane Nguyen, Andres Espino, Catherine Chau, Phuong Le, Victoria Oliveira, Shrayes Gunna and others.
Ying-Jung Hsiang's phone number is N/A
See more information about Ying-Jung Hsiang