No child should ever be stressed out about school. Especially in a Yeshiva day school, a place designed to foster a love of Hashem, one's self and the Torah that connects us to the infinite wisdom of our loving Creator.Under the leadership of world-renowned Mechanech Rabbi Avrohom Yachnes, Mizrahi Torah Adacemy is a Yeshiva elementary school in South Florida, educating boys and girls (separate campuses) in grades K-8. Our classes max out at 10 students, there is no homework or tests throughout elementary school, and we place a strong emphasis and Middos and character development.We at Mizrahi Torah Academy have removed all stress from the learning process. We individualize each child's learning experience, build them up with positivity, and do not give any homework or test. When school is a happy place for ALL children, every student's inner talents and unique personalities are unleashed and a love of learning blossoms.Our model is a trailblazer in Jewish education that is helping students THRIVE. We guide our teachers to "teach the way they learn". We are passionate to REACH our Talmidim and Talmidos, not just "teach". The children already fit into THEIR box- we just need to learn how to open it! Mental health professionals and educators alike are amazed at our school model and the amazing successes we've seen in our students.Learn more at