SLI Process Technologies (SLIPT) provide high quality process equipment's like CSTR Reactor, Agitated Nutsche Filter and Dryer (ANFD), Agitated Thin Film Evaporator (ATFE), Falling Film Evaporator (FFE), Rising Film Evaporator (RFE), Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD), Short Path Distillation Unit (SPDU), Asymmetric Rotating Disc Contactor (ARDC), Loop Reactors, Autoclaves, Flow Reactors / Microreactors , Hot Oil system (HOS) , Heating Cooling System / Thermostat and many more.We design and supply the customized equipment according to customer requirement by collaborating with them.Our Success is based on our design and manufacturing capabilities, rich experience and close relation with the customers and suppliers