CuraSeal is engaged in the development of products and technologies to further the delivery and administration of therapeutics including collagen, antimicrobial chemotherapy , growth factors, and cell based therapies to heal Enterocutaneous and Enteroentric Fistulas.The CuraSeal PICS™ system is designed to provide a minimally invasive healing system that obviates the need for long term intravenous nutrition, long hospital stays and long term management. PICS™ is intended to provide the best platform for healing and thus significantly reducing or eliminating the need for complicated surgery.EC Fistulas require significant management time and can result in major surgery. The CuraSeal PICS™ system is new therapy designed to faciliate the delivery and administration of therapeutics to promote early closure of enterocutaneous fistula tracts in a minimally invasive fashion without the need for major surgery.PICS™ is currently under development and under FDA review.