The Young Urban Lifestyles Radio Show is a weekly radio show with today's woman in mind. Our demographic is usually the young future millionaire who owns her own business or working class that handles their life at a highly successful level. YUL radio is the voice of the real young woman today and our goal is highlight the areas of life they enjoy. YUL Radio is a woman's movement but that doesn't mean we only work with women! Our movement focuses on whatever it is that today's young woman wants. So, here you will find us touching on areas like pop culture, politics, celebrity news, money & finance, sports, etc., like any other contemporary radio program. Today, we are more diverse in our personalities as ever with the use of broadcast media and the internet. Our listeners are up to par on a range of topics; you can hear that reflection with each and every show. Our radio show is the anchor that holds our mission together. You can listen to the Young Urban Lifestyles radio program each and every Tuesday morning on WATB 1420AM at 10am. You can listen at the same time using your TuneIn app from your smartphone. And each of our shows are archived on our website for future listening at