Harvest Earnings turns consulting on its head. Our clients believe that their employees, not outsiders, know best what needs fixing in their company. We give teams the time, the focus and the tools to get it done. To paraphrase Lew Platt, "if only your company knew what your company knows, you'd be three times more productive." We make it happen.Harvest Earnings Group created the innovative Idea Harvest™ which is the method progressive companies are choosing to reduce costs, increase revenue and improve the customer experience.Our clients have a passion for engaging their employees to grow earnings. Our process and our people make it happen!The research is in. True employee engagement continually delivers new earnings faster, more safely, and at higher levels than any other approach. Engage employees by giving them the best problem solving tools for finding smart and safe ways to: Reduce costs Increase revenues Improve the customer experience Just ask executives from companies as diverse in size and industry as Manpower, PNC Financial, H.J. Heinz Co., Standard Register, Birds Eye Foods, and Detroit Edison, among many others about the role our team members played in successfully engaging their team members! They have reduced costs and increased revenues by tens, and even hundreds, of millions of dollars. They have improved their customers' experience. They have strengthened their company. We believe that no one knows better how to improve a company than the people in the company. Harvest Earnings' Idea Harvest™ provides senior leaders with the best team, tools, and technology to turn employee engagement into hard dollar earnings.Jeremy Eden & Terri Long, our Co-CEOs are also co-authors of the NY Times BESTSELLING Book, LOW-HANGING FRUIT named one of the top ten business books of 2014 by the Globe and Mail.